4 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Social media marketing is essential for any food business. A Social Media Today infographic reports that 30% of millennials alone will actively avoid dining at a restaurant with a weak social media presence. A possible reason is that they attribute social media presence to food quality and trust. After all, a restaurant that is confident in its food uses all means possible to invite diners.

Still, it’s not enough to post on social media and call it a day. There are a few social media marketing mistakes to avoid in the food and beverage industry. Here are some of them:

Not curating user-generated content

User-generated content is content made by people—specifically, consumers—instead of a brand. Not curating this type of content is a mistake because your target audience won’t be engaged in your social media posts if it doesn’t appeal to them or if they don’t see themselves represented on your social media feeds.

Fortunately, you can solve this problem with social media, too. The Taste Radio podcast shares how social media helps businesses engage and interact with customers to understand their relationship with their products better. An episode with teaRIOT energy drink co-founders says that they observe how their customers use their drinks and how they impact their lives. They then post pictures of consumers who drink their tea to energize themselves before a game or workout. Likewise, your own business can share how your products impact their lives. This creates a community where consumers can identify with one another and share an appreciation for your business.

Not posting video content

Social media is big on video content nowadays. Videos receive more engagement because they’re easy to consume—people only need to watch to absorb information. TikTok’s popularity is a testament to this.

Thus, it is a huge mistake not to take advantage of video content. A Medium article about food brands on TikTok praises shakes and smoothies company F’real for their original yet creative videos. They follow trends like using viral TikTok audio in their videos but put a twist by making it about smoothies. They hit two birds with one stone: they earn the potential to go viral and promote their products. Similarly, you can post videos with trending audio to get the public's attention. You can also post original videos by showing your audience the behind-the-scenes of your food-making process.

Failing to reply to customers

Social media was made for interaction and networking, and food businesses should take advantage of this. One way to do so is to reply to customers’ comments and messages.

A Starbucks social media analysis reveals that the coffee brand utilizes Twitter for customer replies. A statement from their brand content VP notes that they reserved the platform for customer relationship-building. You’ll see responses to drink availability inquiries, incorrect orders, and more on their account. Doing the same on your own platforms can increase customer engagement and trust because it shows your consideration of consumer concerns—and thus your reliability. Regularly check your messages and comments and reply to customers, especially with urgent concerns. If you can, assign a customer representative to do this for consistency.

Posting inconsistently

Our post ‘How Can Social Media Help Small Businesses’, shares that social media generates awareness, increases traffic, and sells your products. While this is true, many make the mistake of posting inconsistently.

Platforms like Instagram have an algorithm that rewards consistent posters. As a result, accounts that post consistently appear more in their followers’ timelines than those that don’t. Additionally, your competitors get an advantage when you’re not posting because they steal your consumers’ attention. Fast food chain Taco Bell is an excellent example of consistency, as they post at least daily. Create a regular posting schedule by using your social media statistics to determine when your followers are most active. Post your content during this time for maximum efficiency.

Social media marketing is crucial for businesses in the food and beverage industry. Avoid these mistakes to maximize your marketing efforts and bring success to your business.

Content written for the exclusive use of bococollective.com

By Alicia Quentin