What makes a good Instagram?


What makes a good Instagram?

6 techniques that will vamp up your Instagram game.

Wondering what makes a good Instagram page? Well, you might also then wonder what qualifies as “good”? Just take a long gander at some of our clients’ pages and you’ll see nothing BUT goodness. And here’s how you can do it (just keep reading, just keep reading, reading, reading, reading).


A good Instagram page has good photography which includes

  • Proper lighting (natural light is the best!)

  • Creative placement

  • A variety of products, props, models, and settings

  • And of course, a good camera!

You’ll also want to make sure that you take a variety of types of photos which include landscape and portrait views, close up and far away shots, and bird’s eye view (like you are looking at something from up above).

Hand in hand with taking photos comes editing. You’ll want to have editing software (we’re partial to Adobe Lightroom) so you can touch up photos and edit them to fit your business and brand!

This is a bird’s eye view of menu items from Comar’s Cafe.

This is a bird’s eye view of menu items from Comar’s Cafe.

2. Balance of Engaging, entertaining, educational, and emotional content 

You want to share a balance of engaging, entertaining, educational, and emotional content. This way you are not boring your audience with a bunch of nonsense or repetitive postings. The key here is variety. It’s a no-brainer that folks like new and exciting things! 

3. Videos! 

Videos are a great way to keep your audience interested and engaged. Videos are a fun way to relay information both visually and audibly. Hence, this is why TikTok has recently become a hot spot for just about anyone. Easily digestible and consumable. And fun! 

4. Content that provides value 

Your audience wants something in return for following along with your business. Besides buying your product or service, you can provide them with knowledge and information that is valuable to them. This also builds trust and a strong foundation for brand awareness with your customers. 

5. Staying on brand (colors, fonts, photography style)

Staying consistent with your brand is important when building brand awareness and trust. This starts with choosing a certain few colors, fonts, and styles that fit your brand. You want your brand to get stuck in the back of customers’ head. When they think of you, they’ll think of these things. 

6. Regular posting 

Regular posting = high engagement and visibility. The more you post, the more likely you are to reach a bigger audience, especially over time. This is important with keeping your business active and on top of the Instagram algorithms. Whether it’s consistently twice a week, or every day, make sure your audience doesn’t think you fell off the earth…or worse, out of business.

Thanks for popping by! As always, if you have any questions or comments drop us a comment below or contact us.


The BoCo Collective Team

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